Fall Cleanse to Get Your Body Back on Track!

September 11th, 2013 · No Comments · Cleansing and Detox, Healthy Living, Herbs for

Fall – the season of beautiful colored leaves, football, and delicious pumpkin pie. When the summer months come to a halt, the barbeques and long days in the sun are winding down, it is good to take some time and cleanse your body of parasites and toxins and prepare for a healthy and happy end of year.


Autumn is a great time to take stock of the herbs your body needs!

Traditional cleansing techniques can help to bring you renewed vitality anytime during the year when you feel you need a lift, but it is common to perform a fall cleanse (Hanna always encouraged to participate in a whole body cleanse about twice a year). With care and attention to these guidelines and your body’s own signals, you can have a safe and rejuvenating cleanse with Wormwood Combination, Hanna’s best selling herb for over three decades plays a large role in this cleansing process due to its diversity of health benefits.

Fighting Off Evil Pests!
When we hear the word parasites’ we immediately think of how unpleasant of a word it is, as well as the even more unpleasant effects that come with it. Parasites in humans often cause immune system damage, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, infections, and much more. After hearing these terrible effects of parasites, it is obvious why we want to ensure that these vicious bugs stay out of our bodies. However, taking the allopathic medicine given by most doctors presents additional toxins in the body in order to attempt to kill parasites leading us to be unhealthy. Wormwood is the leading supplement in fighting parasites, aiding our body to stay healthy. Similarly to the Wormwood Combination, pumpkin seeds provide protection from parasites including tapeworms and roundworms. In order to see and feel results of the pumpkin seeds, a copious amount must be ingested, typically mixed into a juice. Having to consume such a large amount of pumpkin seeds can become a bit much, and the effectiveness of the seed has not been scientifically proven, therefore, we encourage the ingestion of Wormwood Combination to fight parasites. 

Digestive Cleansing for Fall
Let’s face it, after spending the spring season working hard to get our ‘summer bod’ ready for the swimsuit season, our diet typically consists of quick and easy foods and consumables on the go. Cleaning out the digestive system is a major step in the cleansing process and Wormwood has been known to help. This incredible herb can aid in upset stomach, nausea, and loss of appetite. And, keeping our skin healthy brings happiness and confidence, and is a major part of cleansing. Wormwood Combination is a great herbal solution for healing.

Wormwood Plant

Wormwood has been used for 3,500 years as a vermifuge to kill parasites

Hanna always believed in key herbs that can help rid your body of parasitic intruders. Cloves, Pumpkin Seeds, Garlic, and Black Walnut can all be taken as additional remedies to cleansing and improve your fall recovery. Cloves help mainly with a digestive cleanse and can be an aid for fighting parasites as well. Milk Thistle is another detoxifying agent that  focuses on the cleansing of the liver.

So, after having all of that fun during summer, it is time to buckle down and get our bodies healthy again. Help your body recover by taking part in a biannual cleanse, to fight off nasty parasites and keep your body, inside and out, healthy and happy. Be sure that during this cleanse you include the use of Hanna’s Wormwood Combination, and prepare yourself for a fall season full of beautiful sights, smells, and football!

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We follow Hanna Kroeger’s powerful principle, “help each other” to provide you with products and information to help you achieve optimum health through traditional and alternative therapies. For over 50 years, Hanna’ s Herb Shop has served our customers by providing a trusted haven to learn and share information. The products we discuss in this blog are special because Hanna’s original recipes use no fillers, binders, flowing agents, or excipients—a rarity in the industry today. Learn more at www.hannasherbshop.com.




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