Top 3 All-time Natural Anti-Agers

September 6th, 2013 · No Comments · Anti-aging, Antioxidant, Healthy Living

Choosing natural supplements to improve skin and support your system is a great way to get healthy and stay that way!  Most individuals already know that making the right kind of food choices is beneficial for your health, but experts conclude doing so could help slow down the aging process and guard you against chronic health conditions. With all the buzz surrounding Schizandra, we want to be sure you are aware of several options to improve how you look and feel that are Kroeger staff’s top three anti-aging favorites you’ll want to use time and time again. 

Turmeric has many health benefits

Turmeric in the U.S. is widely known as a spice and has been used for thousands of years as a natural healer.

Turmeric provides a natural glow while promoting a healthy digestive system

In 2010, the introduction of Turmeric to Kroeger Herb’s line of products was an exciting addition! I’ve shared how this spice can improve memory and digestive issues, however it’s actually one of the best kept beauty secrets known. Not only can taking a Turmeric capsule regularly provide a golden glow over time, but  helps you with clearer skin and a reduction in fine lines overall. Because of its powerful antioxidant qualities, using Turmeric can help sweep away free radicals which are known to speed the signs of aging. While you can see the difference on the surface of your skin over time, most antioxidants work within your body and actually improve the condition of your skin from the inside out to make you feel healthier. The benefits and improvement on skin conditions are beneficial, too.

Resveratrol Six
Six herbs combined in these capsules provide a natural anti-ager that’s beneficial for your entire body!

Since Resveratrol Six was introduced, this Herbal Combination has been popular with both men and women! Made with a powerful blend of herbs and Japanese Knotweed, Kroeger Herb’s Resveratrol Six provides your system with anti-aging and antioxidant benefits of several products in a single capsule. Each of the six herbs used in this combination provide a different type of support to the system and each has a unique benefit for anti-aging. Ginkgo has long been used to improve brain function and improve circulation to the extremities; Hawthorn keeps arteries clean and supports a strong heart; Pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant that keeps the heart healthy; Rosemary and Grape Seed, along with Japanese Knotweed are incredibly potent antioxidants and anti-agers. Moreover, Japanese Knotweed is actually the most concentrated source of naturally occurring resveratrol on the planet! A powerful antioxidant in grapes and red wine known as “resveratrol” helps reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and premature aging. Take only two capsules each day and you’re on your way to healthy skin, improved cell function, a more efficient heart, and younger looking, too.

Grape seeds

Grape seeds have known to help with some types of poor circulation and high cholesterol.

Grape Seed
Small but powerful: Grape seeds act as a natural anti-ager and sweep away free radicals from your body

Last but definitely not least is our favorite Grape Seed. This powerful antioxidant is available in capsule form and functions as a natural sweeper of free radicals on the body’s system. Grape Seed has shown promise in not only preventing premature aging, but also is effective in reversing the signs of aging by removing free radicals from your body. While this product cost is approximately $25 (on the expensive end of encapsulated herbs), its botanical concentration is so powerful that only two capsules are needed daily. One bottle lasts for a month and a half; so you’ll be paying less than a dollar a day to improve the look and condition of your skin.

While Turmeric, Resveratrol Six, Grape Seed, and even Schizandra are touted for their benefits to your outer beauty, each herb works in their own powerful way to improve your body from the inside out providing a youthful glow, clearer complexion, and younger looking skin are the added bonus of sweeping away free radicals.

If you’ve never considered using natural herbs and spices to help achieve your wellness goals, now is a great time to start. The products we discuss in this blog from Kroeger Herb are special because we create them by hand with no fillers, binders, flowing agents, or excipients—a rarity in the industry today. It’s important to know what goes in the products you are using, even if they are applied topically. We have several natural products in our bath and body section on our sites that are of high quality and from trustworthy companies.


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