Herbs and Tips for Healthy Lungs

June 12th, 2012 · 2 Comments · Healthy Living, Herbs for

The health of our lungs is important year-round, especially during warmer months when we are spending more time being active outdoors. Today we want to share the herbs that are beneficial to lung function and health as well as tips to keep your lungs functioning properly. With an increase in outdoor activity, lung capacity and performance is essential to enjoying your day. Check out these tips and herbs for healthy lungs.

Herbs for Healthy Lungs

Garlic is a great herb for healthy lung function and is can ease the symptoms of hay fever.

Garlic is a great herb for healthy lung function and is can ease the symptoms of hay fever.

Garlic and Rosemary have been used for centuries in folk herbalism and healing. Garlic has traditionally been used as a tonic for chronic weak lung conditions like asthma, and current scientific research finds that it improves circulation and is beneficial for delivering oxygen throughout the body. Rosemary relieves shortness of breath, supports circulatory function, clears phlegm from the lungs, and helps to relieve wheezing. It has been frequently used as a tonic for chronic weakness of the lungs in conditions like asthma and bronchitis, as well as being an air purifier in sick rooms to absorb toxins. Thyme and Rosehips, though less known for their benefits to the lungs, are two additional herbs which benefit lung function and performance. Traditional herbalists tout thyme for its ability to relieve shortness of breath, resolve upper respiratory congestion, mucus, and phlegm while relieving coughs and relaxing spasms. Rosehips are and old-time remedy for coughs, congestion, phlegm, and lung weakness.

Hanna’s Lung Formula combines these four herbs with Echinacea to create a combination that supports healthy lung function and maintains natural capacity and efficiency of the lungs. This formula is one of the most popular Herbal Combinations from Kroeger Herb because it is not only beneficial for athletes who seek to improve lung function but also those who suffer from issues like shortness of breath, asthma, bronchitis, or other weak lung issues.

Tips for Healthy Lungs

Drinking plenty of fluids is a great way to keep your lungs healthy.

Drinking plenty of fluids is a great way to keep your lungs healthy.

Spring and summer bring an increase in outdoor activity as well as the very real threat of forest fires. Throughout the country, especially in the west, fires blaze and communities are affected with not only damage to structure, land, or life but also to their lungs. Smoke inhalation is a serious issue, especially for those suffering from seasonal or chronic allergies, asthma, or other lung conditions. The tips that follow, though they are recommendations for anyone near a fire, are beneficial for overall respiratory health because they give instruction on how to keep lung cilia functioning properly. In the respiratory tract (nose, sinuses, trachea, small airways of the lungs), cilia acts as tiny oars that remove foreign material like smoke, carbon monoxide, and various other matter. Keeping cilia healthy can improve lung function, help you avoid an abundance of phlegm in your chest, and keep your respiratory system happy.



  • Drink large amounts of tea or other warm liquids to improve the function of cilia.
  • Guard against dehydration which also improves cilia. Learn more about dehydration here.
  • Keep your nasal passages moist by breathing in steam but be careful to not burn yourself.
  • If fire smoke inhalation is a risk, breathe through a wet mask.

Keeping your lungs protected and functioning properly is your best bet to enjoying summer activities and avoiding struggling with breathing. Consider the herbs suggested above, as well as Hanna’s Lung Formula, and give thought to the tips for healthy lungs. While there are elements out of our control (like city pollution or wildfires) we can make good choices like exercising, avoiding smoking, drinking plenty of fluids, and promoting our lung health.

If you can see or smell smoke and a fire is nearby, avoid exercising outdoors and try to limit your exposure. Good luck firefighters, and thank you.


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2 Comments so far ↓

  • emil wagner

    where can one find the product(lung formula) in SOUTH AFRICA (CAPE TOWN) please.

    • Sara Beth

      Hi Emil, I can only find one account in South Africa. Quantum Scio Whole Health in Pretoria (002/746-0265 3). They’ve not placed an order since 2008. You may contact Hanna’s Herb Shop to have the product delivered to you. I’m sorry there aren’t more options. Hanna’s Herb Shop’s phone number is 1-800-206-6722.

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