Herbs for Kids

January 30th, 2012 · 3 Comments · Herbs for

We love helping others and following the call of Hanna to do so. This blog post shares Katie’s  favorites for healing relief through herbs for her kiddo. Read on to learn how herbs for kids are as useful as herbs for adults! Katie says:

Herbs can be a great ally for keeping your kids healthy and happy.  Knowing what herbs are considered safe for kids and how to use them can help parents take control of their kid’s health.  Using natural remedies can help to prevent some conditions and lessen the duration of others. 

“Holy Trinity” Herbs for Kids

Find our what herbs for kids are best!

Find our what herbs for kids are best!

Catnip, Chamomile and Lemon Balm are considered by many to be the ‘holy trinity’ of herbs for kids.  All three are calming to the nerves and soothing to the stomach.  Colic, gas, sleep troubles, anxiety, mood swings and even teething can be eased with this combination for small infants to older children.  A tea or glycerin based tincture is a good way for kids to take these herbs.  Try diluting the tea or putting a small amount of the prepared tea in a bath for babies.

Herbs for Kids’ Colds

Make your own cough medicine with these herbs for kids. Adults will love it too!

Make your own cough medicine with these herbs for kids. Adults will love it too!

Children catch a great deal of colds growing up while their bodies are building immunity.  Elderberry is a wonderful herb to help support the immune system and lessen the duration and severity of colds.  Rose Hips are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants while thyme and rosemary are supreme herbs for the respiratory system.  Here is a favorite recipe of mine for a homemade cough syrup that is great for adults and kids.  Please remember not to give honey to children under 1 ½ years of age:

Heat 1 cup of water on the stove to simmer.  Add 1 Tbsp each Elderberries, Rosehips, Thyme and Rosemary and steep for 15 minutes.  Remove from heat and strain the herbs out.  Put the liquid back on the stove and add 1 cup of honey.  Simmer for 10 more minutes stirring frequently.  Let cool slightly and put into glass bottles or jars.  Store in the refrigerator for the entire cold and flu season (approximately 5-6 months).

Click here to see another home remedy for cough–Hanna’s Napalm Bomb!

Herbs for Kids’ Allergies, Digestion and More

Find our which herbs for kids are useful for digestion, allergies, and more.

Find our which herbs for kids are useful for digestion, allergies, and more.

Arnica and Calendula are great herbs for kids and useful to have on hand for bumps and bruises. These herbs are soothing, calming, and healing and can help ease the discomfort of bruises and promote healing.  Try them in a salve made with olive oil and beeswax.  A salve can be used on kids of all ages.

Aloe Vera is helpful when used externally for sunburn, cuts, and other skin irritations but is also useful when used internally for digestive disturbances and constipation.  A small amount only of the juice would be used for toddlers and small children.  Slippery Elm is another herb that is soothing to the stomach and helpful for constipation; use as a tea for toddlers and small children.  However, neither of these herbs is appropriate for babies to take internally.

Aloe and other herbs are so useful for kids! Find our more in our Children's Products section!

Aloe and other herbs are so useful for kids! Find our more in our Children’s Products section!

Allergies can really keep a toddler down.  Saline nasal sprays are effective remedies for allergies because they help eliminate mucous and keep the nasal passages moist.  Parents can make a homemade nasal saline solution by dissolving one teaspoon of salt into one cup of warm water.  Put the mixture into a bulb syringe and spritz the solution into the nose of the child.  If food allergies are suspected, it is wise to eliminate certain foods (dairy and wheat for example) to see if symptoms improve.

An age appropriate multi-vitamin is helpful for keeping kids’ immune systems healthy and strong.  I like Nordic Naturals Nordic Berries.  Also, give your kids a great start to life with a wholesome diet full of (age appropriate) fresh, natural fruits and vegetables.  Include natural immune supporting foods like garlic, ginger, and seaweed (if your kids will eat them!).  Plenty of exercise will also keep those kids fit and vibrant!

Never hesitate to ask your healthcare professional for advice when beginning a new health program for your children. For more on herbs during pregnancy, see a recent post here.


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