Colloidal Silver: Antiviral, Antifungal, Anti-Illness!

December 4th, 2013 · 3 Comments · Hanna Kroeger, Homeopathy

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Colloidal Silver can be used for numerous health issues: from the common cold to intestinal problems.

While Echinacea in a capsule can help keep your immune system strong and garlic in your dinner can ward off a virus, there are natural remedies for the cold and flu season that do not come from the roots, flowers, and plants of the world. Silver has been a natural immune booster and remedy for sickness for over a hundred years and has a large group of supporters worldwide for good reason. From fungus, to viral infections, to the sniffles and sneezes of cold and flu season, take a look at why silver should have a spot beside the healing teas, tinctures, and salves of your natural remedy selection.

The use of silver as an alternative remedy and natural antibiotic peaked in the 1920s and 1930s when the selection of antibiotic medications was more limited than today. Though the variety of medications available has increased, people around the world still look to colloidal silver for its natural benefits to the body. Colloidal silver, in the simplest explanation, is comprised of submicroscopic particles of silver added to a liquid base. With the healing and health benefits of silver in tiny particles being added to a liquid base, the body is able to readily absorb and put it to good use for a variety of ailments including:

Good for fungal and viral infections, body odor, and immune support.

Good for fungal and viral infections, body odor, and immune support.

  • Viral Infections—Because silver is anti-viral and kills viruses on contact, ingesting colloidal silver will help the body fight viral infections.
  • Fungal Infections—From Candida albicans to yeast infections, colloidal silver can help clear out fungal infections from the system quickly and naturally.
  • Body Odor—While natural odor from our bodies is normal (like morning breath or what’s going on with your gym shoes), constant body odor is an indication of bacteria, viruses, or some other pathogen setting up shop in our bodies. Colloidal silver can help sweep the cause of the odor from your system and help you avoid the embarrassment of the odor.
  • Immune Support—The wide range of pathogens that can’t live in the presence of colloidal silver makes it an ideal immune support. From ear and eye infections, to sniffles and sore throats to traveler’s diarrhea, there’s a systemic healing benefit to be had from taking colloidal silver.
  • Topical and Internal Use—While colloidal silver is commonly used for viral, fungal, and bacterial infections from within the body, you can also use it topically to address the same issues.

Not all colloidal silver is created equal. Many products are actually silver ionic solutions, not true colloidal silver. True colloidal silver is made with silver atoms and is considered extremely safe and stable, and does not create resistant organisms like antibiotics can. Hanna’s Vibropathic™ Silver, trace mineral is an effective source of naturally derived colloidal silver at four parts per million in a base of distilled water and food grade (gluten-free) alcohol, attuned to the frequency of colloidal silver 6X potency. This is a two way approach at supporting the body with physical and homeopathic colloidal silver.  Hanna was fond of this approach as can be found in many of her healing kits that contain both herbal combinations and vibropathics.

With cold and flu season in full swing, keeping colloidal silver on hand is a good idea to keep your immune system healthy when those around you are experiencing illness and can also help to cut down sick time.  Need “healthy” holiday gift ideas? Check out products like Young Living’s Abundance essential oil that combines oils such as orange and ginger. Wishing you good health from Hanna’s Herb Shop!


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3 Comments so far ↓

  • Teri

    Hi there I am so happy I found your blog page, keep up the awesome work.

  • Putrie

    I have had a problem with yeast ifecntions for a long time. Well, I hadn’t had one for about 7 years or so and then I got on the Pill for the first time and I ended up getting yeast ifecntions and bladder ifecntions worse than I ever had.For about 2 months, I had a bladder infection one week, yeast infection the next, bladder infection, period/yeast infection it was AWFUL and so painful. I take cranberry pills and I drink 100% cranberry juice when I think I’m getting a bladder infection and that seems to help.Well, I only had a 3 month supply for the Pill, and I moved, so I didn’t get a refill. I immediately stopped having yeast ifecntions and bladder ifecntions so I realized it may have something to do with the Pill. Well, I’m back on it and bam, I’m getting a yeast infection.What should I do about this? It’s so frustrating. And should I make my fiancee do whatever I’m doing to make sure that he isn’t reinfecting me? I’ve already gotten tested for STD’s and I’m clean.HELP!

    • Star

      Hello Putrie, actually Hanna taught that the pill was a large contributor to candida. Unfortunately, you may have to consider other birth control options and you may want to also consider doing a candida cleanse to help get yourself balanced again. As far as bladder infections, Cranberry is good as well as D-Mannose. Good luck!

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