Home Remedies from the Kitchen

August 23rd, 2012 · 1 Comment · home remedy

Fresh lettuce is anti-inflammatory internally and topically.

Many home remedies and folk remedies exist outside the realm of science because they’ve worked for hundreds or thousands of years. Hanna offers so much guidance in her books for how herbs, spices, and foods can bring good health without side effects and today we have some remedy offerings from Whole Living that complement Hanna’s remedies.

Sprains and Strains: Lettuce

For swelling and inflammation, Hanna tells us to finely shred cabbage and wrap our knees, ankles, etc. in the cloth containing the cabbage overnight. Lettuce can also provide anti-inflammatory effects because it is rich in lactucin, a calming alkaloid. Use lettuce leaves topically (and eat a few leaves as well!) to attain these benefits.

Indigestion: Ginger and Salt

Nausea and upset stomach can benefit greatly from ginger and that’s a popular remedy around the world but a mixture of ginger and salt acts as a preventative of indigestion when taken before a meal. Grate an inch of peeled, fresh ginger and add a pinch or two with a pinch or two of sea salt to make a paste. Chew on the mixture for about two minutes and swallow. You may wash it down with warm water then enjoy your meal. Take this remedy before eating; waiting more than 15 minutes to eat after ingesting may result in a burning sensation in your stomach.

IBS: Asparagus

Asparagus for IBS and kidney stones.

Asparagus for IBS and kidney stones.

Greeks and Romans used asparagus for toothaches and bee stings while Hanna recommended this veggie for kidney stones. Through some interesting research, we’re learning now that asparagus acts as a powerful prebiotic for the body, populating the intestinal tract with friendly bacteria that can help balance IBS symptoms. You must eat several servings of asparagus each week to attain these benefits and keep in mind that it will take a little time to populate your intestinal tract with the friendly bacteria but relief should be seen within three to five days. Find out how you can have a Healthy Gut.

Fever: Vinegar

Apple-cider vinegar has so many uses around the home and for the body; we can now add breaking a fever to the list of benefits and uses. Because it is acidic, vinegar speeds heat loss as it evaporates off the skin and can help to cool the system naturally. Combine 1 cup apple-cider vinegar with 2 cups water in a bowl then dip a washcloth into the liquid. Wring your washcloth then apply to exposed arms, legs, and torso.

Earache: Garlic and Onions

Because of the sulfur compounds found in these vegetables, infections can be combated when used topically. Before you start rubbing cloves of garlic on your ear, try these directions: saute an onion in a tiny bit of water until translucent then add the mixture to a flannel cloth or an old, clean sock. While the onion mixture is still warm, lay the sock over the ear and hold it in place. If the ache is deep, treat both ears (even if only one ear hurts).

Constipation: Pesto

Basil was a recommendation from Hanna for indigestion, constipation, and a variety of other stomach or intestinal complaints. For relief of occasional constipation try making your own pesto by adding a packed cup of fresh basil leaves to a food processor with a clove of garlic, pinch of salt, and 2 tablespoons pine nuts. Turn the processor on and drizzle olive oil into the mixture until the desired consistency is reached. While traditional pesto recipes call for Parmesan cheese, skip it for this use. Find more home remedies for constipation.

Sinusitis: Oregano and Rosemary

RosemaryAllowing the powerful oils of herbs to concentrate and treat our sinuses with steam is the best way to deliver their healing power. Oregano and rosemary are antiviral, antifungal, and have antimicrobial properties while being bronchodilators, helping you to breathe even when you’re experiencing congestion. Use these herbs separately or together and bring to a boil in a large pot of water. Once the water begins to boil remove it from heat and transfer the pot to a table where you are able to sit with your face over it. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam for 10 to 20 minutes, or until the steam dissipates. Get allergy remedies.


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